Sunday, June 7, 2009

Vegetable garden

Two views of the vegetable garden - finished and planted! Well, not quite finished, as I need to add the edging to hold the pavers in place and add the sand between the pavers. That last step won't be done for a while, as we need to add some sprinkler heads and they will likely need to go right across the path with the line.
The black obelisks have beans and peas planted around them. There is still a bit of room for more herbs.
The good news is that we got some rain yesterday and some more is on the way tonight. We had a very dry May, so we need some good rainy days!


  1. That's progress!!! It is looking very nice!

  2. Thanks! It isn't done, but at least the veggies are planted!!

    Now, what should I work on next?... I think I want to get my dry creek bed back together before I put up the fence around the garden.

  3. Oh, and we got the big barberry cut out from the small garden near the porch. Maybe I should work on cutting out the stump and getting that area planted.
