Sunday, August 3, 2014

Building a bog

The moisture-loving plants that I had planted near the edge of the pond were not doing so well. They needed more moisture - the way the liner comes up at the edge of the pond was preventing them from getting moisture from the pond. So I created a bog area on the west side of the pond. First I dug a hole that was about a foot deep, then I lined it with plastic. I used a sharp rake to poke some holes in the sides and then filled the hole with a mixture of peat moss, black dirt and sand.  After just a couple of days, some of the plants are already looking happier. I planted chocolate Joe Pye, two different types of lysimachia, a swamp milkweed, a carex, an umbrella plant, two red lobelias, a Northern Sea Oat grass, and a rodgersia. I am hoping that the taller Joe Pye plant will provide a bit of shade for the carex and umbrella plant. The umbrella plant is supposed to get quite large, but the leaves on mine are only about 4 to 5 inches across, rather than the 12 to 18 inches they should be. Hoping the additional moisture will help!

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