Monday, May 27, 2013

Sound and Sight Barrier

At the back of our lot is a bit of forest - big old oak trees, some poplar and service berry. This row of austrian pine was planted in front of it and I added a few spruce.  I want to block the busy street, and started adding shrubs to this area, but as they are deciduous, they don't block the view in the spring, fall and winter.  So I will be taking them out, adding evergreen shrubs and then planting the deciduous shrubs in front of the evergreens.  The austrian pines are planted at the top of a slight rise - so I need to make sure that what I add will be draught tolerant, as the sprinkler system doesn't really soak this area too well.  I also plan to add some white pines between the forest and the road.  Not sure when this will get done, but this was a problem I have been puzzling over for a while and I am hoping this is the solution! 

I will need to be sure to add a variety of colors - perhaps some gold-colored evergreens and some lime green (maybe a smoke bush?) to contrast with the dark greens. I also want to add some tall grasses for movement.  

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