Tuesday, October 25, 2011

New old garden

I pulled everything out of this garden (see previous postings) and now have it replanted with lots of new things. I kept deer munching prevention in mind, trying to use plants that deer don't like at the borders and in front of plants that deer like. I planted alliums near the tall garden phlox and the lilies.

This garden used to be just one long bed, 36 feet by 6 feet. I made it wider by a foot or so, and also added a leg to one end and moved a young crabapple tree in. That makes it easier to mow, as well as adding more space for planting.

I have put earlier blooming plants in the center, and later blooming plants towards the corners. I grouped like plants together, and am hoping for large blocks of color that can be seen from the deck. I added some rare new peonies - can't wait to see this garden come to life next spring! There is still room for more plants and I want to add some stepping stones in a semi-circle in the center.

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