Monday, June 7, 2010

Vegetable garden border - front view

This border continues around the vegetable garden to the driveway.  There is a Honecrisp apple tree and some cottoneaster shrubs.  They will add some interest in the fall.

And I added some Queen of the Prairie in this border.  To keep it from spreading, I planted it in large pots that I sunk into the ground.

This border will line up with the border on the other side of the driveway - so the border will stretch from one end of the house to the other, with the repetition of blue evergreens (sub alpine pines, dwarf blue globe spruces, blue swiss stone pines, and gray owl junipers), hydrangeas (Twist and shout, Tardiva, Pinky Winky, and Annabelles) and shrub roses.

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