Sunday, June 1, 2014

Pond Plants!

Jake from AquaEden (our pond installer) came with pond plants last week. Some water iris, water lilies (not pictured) and some underwater plants. I made a special trip to Cook's Water Gardens to buy more plants to add to the pond.
I added some dwarf horsetail reeds - love the bright pop of color it adds!

This is called a water fern - it looks like four leaf clovers. Just love this little guy, but he is not hardy here. Might have to think about bringing him in for the winter......
This is a pickerel rush (Pontederia cordata) native to Minnesota. It get a small purple flower in July and August.
This is a bog bean. It will grow out over the water and is hardy for zone 4. It gets a white flower in July and August.
Now that the pond has plant life, it is time to add some fish!

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