Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Trimmed Junipers

The three Grey Owl junipers on the corner of of this border have really grown this summer.  If I don't keep them trimmed, they will outgrow the space.  So they got a haircut this morning.  This type of juniper doesn't have a set growth pattern.  The branches kind of go where they want.  This makes them easier to trim.  The trick is to study the branches and remove some at points where the cut isn't noticeable.  I concentrate on those branches that have really gotten long and those that are encroaching on the other plants.  I also take off  the new growth back to where the stem gets woody.  I filled my wagon with the trimmings, but these junipers still look great!  Now I need to figure out how to trim the Sea Green junipers in the front border.  They grow in a vase shape - not as easy to trim and have them still look good.

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