Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Front Border

While puzzling over what to add to my front border, I realized that I have groupings of lime green/yellow leaved plants in the middle and on the west end of this border and adding that color to this area would be perfect.  These are Sundrop spireas - they are a new variety of spirea and will be bright red in the fall.  Plants that add interest in more than one season are always a plus!  Because they are small, I added blue pots with annuals to help fill in the border until they catch up.  The spireas will grow to about 3 feet across and 2 feet tall.

Repetition is a key garden design concept.  Repetition makes the garden more cohesive and adds rhythm. It directs the eye, creates order and provides a sense of serenity or calmness.


  1. I love the blue pots! Very nice touch.

  2. I love them, too! And because the sprinklers hit them, I don't have to hand water them every day.....
