Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What's left on my list?

Here is my list from April.

1. Finish mulching around the vegetable garden.

2. Build a retaining wall on the east side of the garage.

3. Lay fabric and mulch on my path to get rid of the grass, finish edging with rock, and create a seating area as a destination.

4. Move trees!!!

5. Find permanent homes for the techny arborvitae and cottoneasters on the east side of the garage.

6. Shade garden on north side of garage.

7. Plant cutting garden!!!

8. Put down corn gluten on lawn to help cut down on weeds.

9. Move lilac.

10. Add lights to front walkway.

11. Add new water feature to front garden.

Most of my to-do list has gotten done.  I still need to work on number three - I know I won't get the patio for the seating area done this year.  But I hope to get the path in good shape with a brick border.
I still need to move the maple trees and the lilac.  I am also working on a path next to the retaining wall and have purchase a beautiful arbor to place at the end of that path.  I'd like to get that in.  There are also bulbs and some more shrubs to plant.  I am hoping for a nice fall!!

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