Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fall Planting

I've been scrambling to get things planted. Our cool summer days have had the definite feel of fall lately. I added some perennials to my shrub border and have decided to replace the mugo pines with Sester's Dwarf spruce. They are small blue spruce trees that only get about 6 ft tall. They will add a much needed variation in shapes in the border, as well as repeating the blue color of the dwarf blue spruce globes that are planted near the house. I am hoping to find them on sale this fall.

Most of the summer, I have had over 50 plants on my back patio, waiting to be planted. The number is now down to 21 - yay! But soon the fall plant sales will start, so that number may grow again. That reminds me - I need to create a list of plants that I am looking for so that I don't over-buy!

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