Saturday, August 15, 2009

Front yard shrub border

It has been a hot week! I have been working on the shrub border in the front of the house. On this end of the border, I've planted spreading cotoneasters, some Tiger Eye sumacs and Ivory Halo dogwoods.

I also planted some hydrangeas - Tardiva, Pink Diamond, Pinky Winky, and three Twist and Shout. They are close to the front path. There are also some Ivory Halo dogwoods and Tor spireas in this part of the border.
I discovered a bee colony when I tried to move a large boulder. I decided to leave the boulder in place - I didn't want to kill the bees.
The Mugo pines in this border are not doing well and I plan to replace them with evergreens that are more upright. This will all look much different once it gets mulched!

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