Wednesday, July 1, 2009

New shrub border

The weather has been cloudy and cool, perfect for planting. I spent all day yesterday putting in a new shrub border along the outside of my brick path. Closest to the path is a row of evergreens - Sea Green Junipers in the middle and two Holmstrup arborvitae on the ends. My favorite spirea, a Shibori, is front and center. It flowers in three colors - white, pink, and rose. I have more shrubs to add to this area, including some weigela and shrub roses.
Along the curve of the path and towards the house, I put in some Ivory Halo dogwoods, some Tor spireas, and a Tardiva hydrangea.
It will all get mulched. I haven't decided what type of edging I will add in the front. I would like to do a low stone wall, but I haven't found the right type of stone just yet.

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