Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I just spent a happy hour out in the garden. The scilla are blooming - just tiny things, but it is always so nice to see blooms! Many of the perennials that I planted last fall are showing their first green leaves. There are daylilies, painted daisies, silvermound, salvias, bell flowers, sea lavender, catmint, and baby's breath. One of my five peonies has sent up its first deep rose leaf buds!
Also showing up are bleeding heart, sundrops, yarrow, creeping phlox and queen of the prairie.
And some purple coneflowers, autumn joy sedum and a lily. There are daffodils that are about 6 inches tall with some buds forming and some tulips that are up about 4 inches.
I did a bit of weeding - pulling some grass out of the front garden. I have been waiting for my bulbs to come up so that I wouldn't disturb them. Now I can get down to business and get that grass out!

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