Monday, May 23, 2011

Purple tulips

These purple tulips are almost done blooming - but still pretty!

Last fall, I planted amsonia hubrichtii in this bed - you can see one of them in front of the tulips.  They have a small blue flower, and in the fall they are a beautiful yellow.

New Clematis

Earlier this spring, a friend and I took a road trip to Faribault - there is a nursery there that specializes in clematis - Donahue Greenhouse.  I brought home a bunch - these two are Hagley Hybrid and Viticella, Venosa, Violacia.  I'll post more pictures as the others start blooming.  I've had good luck with clematis on the east side of the house - that's where these are.  And they like their roots cool, so I'll mulch or place a plant so that it shades their roots. 

Tulips and dogwood

This planting area is blooming with red and white tulips - I added impatients last week.  They'll give nice color all summer.

This Golden Shadows dogwood is in the same bed - you just can't see the retaining wall.  Check out our new rain barrel - we added one at the front of this bed, too. 

I still need to get this big bed mulched!

Front path - creeping phlox and candytuft

The creeping phlox is on the right side and the candytuft on the left.  The candytuft is supposed to have a long bloom time - I guess we will see how they compare this spring.

Redbud in Bloom

I just love the way that redbuds bloom before they leaf out - so cool! 

Friday, May 6, 2011

Work to do!!

It must be spring - the driveway is full of mulch and bricks!!


This is a baptista getting ready to spread it's leaves - isn't it beautiful?