Wednesday, October 20, 2010

New deck

This deck is twice the size of our old deck and made of composite, so it is maintenance free.  A pergola will be added over half of it in the spring.

It was built by The Remodeler Shop, Forest Lake, MN.  They did a great job. 

I'm already thinking about how to connect the deck with the yard with plantings! 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Completed path

I used small bark mulch to fill in this path rather than pea gravel. I like the contrast of the dark mulch with the bricks.

Paths need a destination.  Right now, this one just ends at the edge of the house.  My plan is to add a small patio on the west side of the house that this path will lead to.  Then it really will be "complete"! 

Thinking about adding a bridge over the dry stream bed.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Blue bird aster blooming!

I added two of these asters to the front border last year.  They are late blooming, and I have to admit that I got a bit impatient just waiting for them to bloom.  But I think they were worth the wait!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

One maple tree moved!

Two more to go!  I'm not sure if this one will make it - when I dug it up, the roots were still pot-shaped.  Some of them were growing in a circle, so I cut them.  The large oak behind this new maple lost a large branch last summer.  Hopefully, this maple will grow and fill in the space. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Front path progress

I've laid 125 bricks on the edges of this path and am about half done.  I've decided to use pea gravel for the fill. Need to buy more bricks!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

New garden planted!

In the back, there are some dark Bugbanes (Cimcifuga or Actaea), and a Guacamole hosta (which is a big hosta!).  There are three Taunton yews, more hostas, including Paradigm, which has a gold leaf edged in blue green, a Color Flash astible, and some Pinot Gris coral bells. On the front edge, there are King of Hearts bleeding heart and two kinds of lamium. 

I hope to continue adding to this bed by building more small layers of rock edging until I get to the bottom of the slope - like mini-terraces.  That will make it much easier to mow.      

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Lilac is moved....

To a new home where it will get more sun. Now I have a new shade garden area! Moved in a pagoda dogwood shrub. Now, what else can I add?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Golden Shadows Pagoda

This is a beautiful little tree, with creamy margins on the leaves and wonderful fall color, as you can see.  I love the horizontal branching form of these trees.  The dogwood that was here before is being moved to the opposite corner of the house. 


I added these trellises to the east wall of the garage.  Next spring, I'll plant clematis to grow up them.  I added some shrub roses (Sunrise Sunset and Fairy) and a Carol Macke Daphne to this area.  I have always wanted a Carol Macke Daphne, but after doing some research, I know that they don't transplant well.  So I am thinking good thoughts that this one will be happy in its new home!

Additions to the tree line -

Bought lots of trees and shrubs on sale - and have been adding them to the tree line at the back of our lot.

It is a challenge because there are big mature oaks, a line of 10 year old Austrian pines and these newly planted trees look so small!  I tried to add some taller shrubs - a Wentworth and Arrowwood viburnums, and three Wichita Blue junipers.  Also added were cotoneasters, a blue shag pine, and varigated dogwoods. Oh, and three Techny arborvitae and hazelnuts.  I have to remember that this is a work in progress -