Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Getting close....

Getting close to having my vegetable gardens completed! Two of the four pie shapes are ready to be filled with soil.

I used my tape measure on a dowel in the corner to mark out my circular shape for the blocks.

Have to work the next three days - but I might be able to get some more of this done. Hope to be able to plant on Sunday! I am going to try one heirloom tomato - a Bradley Pink.

Monday, May 25, 2009


This is a cute My Monet variety wiegelia along with some sundrops (not in bloom just yet) and a beehive norway spruce.
I've been adding plants to the garden around my rose garden. I have a few more to add, some more weeding to do and then I am going to mulch it. I'll post more pictures soon.

Pavers in place!

The pavers are all laid, and now I am working on the walls of the raised beds. I've used 4" x 4" treated timbers for the straight sides and will be using landscaping bricks for the curved part.

The sod won't be removed. I'll lay several layers of newspaper down and then fill the beds with dirt. The newspaper will smother the grass and will eventually decompose. All of the organic matter (the grass and all of its roots) will help to feed my vegetable garden. I

I bought a few tomato and pepper plants - can't wait to get them planted!

Friday, May 22, 2009

6 More Feet ---

Of paver to lay in my circular vegetable garden. It is dark, so I had to stop working on it. I hope to get some annuals planted in the morning before I head off to work.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I haven't had much time for working in the yard. Today I laid pavers. This will be a circular raised garden, with paver paths through the center.

While I plan to plant vegetables in this garden, the design will work for other types of gardens. They could be annual beds - with a different color in each section, or they could hold roses and/or perennials.

I finally was able to get my planter in my rose garden planted. I used purple fountain grass, pink geraniums, white daisies, pink cascading petunias and sweet potato vine.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tulips in bloom

The pink tulips are the Angelique variety. The purple ones are some I bought last fall just for fun.
This morning I planted some lilies - Stargazer, La Rive, and Mona Lisa. I planted them in an area that is near the front porch so that when they bloom, I will be able to catch their scent from my chair on the porch.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Moving trees

This picture was taken last summer and shows a double row of trees planted much too close together. These trees are on the northwest corner of our lot. There are 11 maple trees planted about 10 ft apart and 12 ft from the line of evergreens. I wanted to move them last spring, but didn't know where to put them.

Earlier this spring, I did some root pruning - using my shovel and just pushing it all the way down in a 4 to 5 ft diameter circle around the trees. This is supposed to help make it easier on the tree.

Their new leaves haven't sprouted just yet, so it is a good time to move them. We moved two of the best red maples to their new homes and plan to move another one tomorrow.